Orchestrated by Viridiana and Brittany Maton / Nin Studio. Ecdysis is a multidisciplinary exploration of the dynamic and ever-changing nature of identity, particularly within the context of the female body.
The construction and dissolution of the body and identity are inherently close and dynamic processes. Identity, as a concept constantly in flux, is continually redefined, particularly in the representation of the female body, which has the ability to adapt in various situations and moments.
Through clothing and fashion, the construction of identity becomes a complex and multifaceted process that involves the interaction between the individual, society, and culture. Clothing, as a powerful tool of expression, plays a crucial role in self-perception and how others perceive us. It becomes a powerful way to communicate and express the complexity of our identity.
Both the body and identity are shaped and moulded by various elements and factors. What are these elements that shape our identity and materialize the external and corporeal essence of the female body? How do we question and approach the ways in which our corporeality contributes to our own recognition and self-construction?
However, the process is not static; it also involves the dilution of identity and the body. In reflecting on the changing nature of female identity over time, challenging the idea of a static identity, it can dissolve or be questioned. This process of dissolution could be interpreted as a challenge to preset constructions and a questioning of existing paradigms, leading to the fading of limited conceptions about female identity and the body